Wednesday, September 2, 2009

EXP 2: Aspects of a Real Site

Photography (x)
Dimension of tiles (x)
Laser measure (dangerous)
Trundle wheel (suspicious)
Strides (x)
Sonar (expensive)
Video-recorder (suspicious)
Sketches (x)


Photo (x)
Notes (x)
Videos (suspicious)
Observations (x)
Sketches (x)

Photo (x)
Notes (x)
Videos (suspicious)
Observations (x)

Sound recording (?)

Observations (x)
Sketches (x)

Utilising the above methods, I will be able to minimise the amount of times I will have to visit Town Hall. With Internet research I have established the station itself is quite symmetrical. With note taking and observation I was able to jot down key features which are repeated throughout the station. The photos I took were taken with another class member in the shot to ensure I didn't look so suspicious. I tried not to raise suspicion (this is why we went as a large group) as the world is more cautious now with events such as 9/11 and the London bombings etc. Ironically I noticed that people were more aware of one person looking suspicious then a large group of people taking photos and measuring. The photos allow me to have backup to my observations and ensure I get the little details correct. Through photography I am able to capture the textures of Town Hall and apply them to my model. Several of the listed methods were unachievable through lack of funds or purely because I didn't want to look suspect. I am sure I could have got away with a quick video, however I imagine if I walked around filming all of Town Hall somebody would have asked me to stop or even worse suspected me as a terrorist. I do plan on going back to Town Hall and recording a sound file to place into my map. I'm thinking of using background noise from another station if this isn't possible. From the list anything marked with an (x) was achieved in my first visit to Town Hall. We spent a solid day at Town Hall measuring and documenting Town Hall. I plan to start the assignment and get as far as I can and making a list of whatever information I am missing before returning to Town Hall again.

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