Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Research Assignment 3

9 Real Time Images

Experiment One (ramp and stadium) made in Sketchup and brought into Crysis.

Experiment Two (Town Hall) made in Solidworks and textured in 3DS Max before being imported into Crysis.

Town Hall Teaser

Video made to show quick run through of model, find any errors in modelling to be fixed before filming installation.

Other relevant information used for townhall

Took 100 images myself of Townhall which I then pooled with other students in the class to have a collection of 463 images in total. These include images of major signs and features from several angles. Hopefully my model has incorporated enough of these elements to give it the distinctive feel of Town Hall.

Train modelled from this site.

I personally think this is achieved through elements such as the train, the blue seats and all textures which were created from the images. The finer details such as the layout and advertisements boards really complete the model in my personal opinion.

Advertisement Boards (Inside Townhall)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Stuart Bill

In Week 6's lecture Stuart Bull discussed how his firm ARUP Engineering utilizes BIM software such as ArchiCad and others. He focused on the advantages impacted on constructions and building documentation.

By creating everything digitally, and using the software to its full potential you are able to embed information into the walls and other materials. This then allows you to output information useful to the interior designers and others such as the amount of carpet required to cover the floors and how much paint required etc. This is an efficient process that in time saves money and effort.

BIM can be also for finding faults in the original plans of a model. Similar to how Rusell was telling me that in the hospital he helped model up in crysis they realized faults in how the machines in there original position wouldn't fully function.

We also learnt how several programs are used as no program is complete to do all tasks well in the architectural world. This included the pros and cons of several well known programs such as 3DS, and Solidworks etc.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week 10 Multiplayer

Due to network security at UNSW we were unable to successfully compete vs. one another as received the message, 'Kicked from the Server'.

However, we did learn successfully how to create multiplayer maps in Crysis. This leaves for a mouth watering concept of having a mass shootout in Townhall versus the rest of the class.

Updated: Multiplayer Working

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Trial Trackview

Realism (Lecture Two)

Realism: has many different definitions depending on which context it is talked about, for instance in art it refers to the depiction of subjects as they appear in everyday life. However, the general consensus is; the depiction of subject matter as they appear in everyday life, without embellishment or personal interpretation. The term also describes works of art which, in revealing a truth, may emphasize the ugly or sordid. In Lecture two (realism) Russell, talked about the development of weapons and manufacturing schemes developed for the military, this ranged from cybernetics (1947), PDP-1 (1960) to the more recent flight simulators which have become widely available to the public. We looked at how technology has been improved over time to allow us to effectively use computers to our advantage in the field of architecture. We see how over time the blurring and simulation of reality has become a more realistic outcome.

This is relevant as our EXP 2 is to document Town Hall and capture its presence. With technology we are utilizing Photoshop, SolidWorks, 3dsMax, Crysis Wars, Fraps, Adobe Premier and or Sony Vegas. We are then utilizing websites such as blogger and youtube to document the process. These programs all allow us to do different things in many unique styles. For instance the general concensus is that we will build the model in SolidWorks and texture it in 3DS max before importing this into Crysis Wars (to walkthrough our model. We will then capture this walkthrough using Fraps and then edit with Premier or Vegas.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Textured Test Level

Outside dark textured applied to all surfaces, inside floors then textures a light white colour.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Remembering Solidworks

This parametric model is very basic, however it is completely accurate.

The levels in order are:
Suspended Ceiling
Upper Level
First Lower Level
Second Lower Level

I will upload all the measurements closer towards the due date.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

EXP 2: Aspects of a Real Site

Photography (x)
Dimension of tiles (x)
Laser measure (dangerous)
Trundle wheel (suspicious)
Strides (x)
Sonar (expensive)
Video-recorder (suspicious)
Sketches (x)


Photo (x)
Notes (x)
Videos (suspicious)
Observations (x)
Sketches (x)

Photo (x)
Notes (x)
Videos (suspicious)
Observations (x)

Sound recording (?)

Observations (x)
Sketches (x)

Utilising the above methods, I will be able to minimise the amount of times I will have to visit Town Hall. With Internet research I have established the station itself is quite symmetrical. With note taking and observation I was able to jot down key features which are repeated throughout the station. The photos I took were taken with another class member in the shot to ensure I didn't look so suspicious. I tried not to raise suspicion (this is why we went as a large group) as the world is more cautious now with events such as 9/11 and the London bombings etc. Ironically I noticed that people were more aware of one person looking suspicious then a large group of people taking photos and measuring. The photos allow me to have backup to my observations and ensure I get the little details correct. Through photography I am able to capture the textures of Town Hall and apply them to my model. Several of the listed methods were unachievable through lack of funds or purely because I didn't want to look suspect. I am sure I could have got away with a quick video, however I imagine if I walked around filming all of Town Hall somebody would have asked me to stop or even worse suspected me as a terrorist. I do plan on going back to Town Hall and recording a sound file to place into my map. I'm thinking of using background noise from another station if this isn't possible. From the list anything marked with an (x) was achieved in my first visit to Town Hall. We spent a solid day at Town Hall measuring and documenting Town Hall. I plan to start the assignment and get as far as I can and making a list of whatever information I am missing before returning to Town Hall again.

Screenshosts (Final)

Monday, August 31, 2009


Friday, August 28, 2009

Moving Door

If the door isnt moving open the image in a new tab.

Peer Feedback

Both Tristan and Tiffany seem to be progressing well and will achieve good marks for EXP 1.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crysis Walkthrough

First go at using Sony Vegas which is an amazing piece of software simialr to Adobe Premiere however I feel Vegas has the upperhand as personally I find it easier to use with the same functionality.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Stadium Concept

Considering placing the whole experiment with a stadium like building.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

3 x Explosions

I assume as the archetype entity is so small, that the grenade should demolish the building first go.

The building is relativity large and so I assume that one grenade is not sufficient to destroy the building. I guess it would take 1 -2 grenades to blow up this building.

This building is almost double the size of the previous building and so I assume it will take several grenades to destroy it completely.

Imported Textured Ramps

Texture 'impervious'

Imported first object(s) from sketchup and applied texture (impervious). Utilised the ramps to cause havoc in the buildings by strategically throwing the grenades.

Crysis Explosion

This video is not mine however is similar to our goal for experiment one however it is three times the maximum length.

Week 01 Trial Video

Recommended to watch with sound turned off as I was just flying around the level and shooting constantly.

Interesting Landscape Feature

Learning the program, created a landscape similar to that featured in the movie series, 'Ice Age' This was created by making a standard map with high peaks and smooth areas. The key to keeping it all white, the apperance of snow was not to generate a texture.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


This is not my video, however I found it extremely interesting.